Now, more than ever, is the time to reevaluate massage education requirements... states that are below the 600-hour threshold must consider increasing their hours.
Legislatures across the country are returning to work in January—here's updated info about legislature focus to stop human trafficking as it's related to massage.
Next year, ABMP will advocate for reasonable legacy clauses in states that introduce legislation to enact massage licensure and those that place new requirements in existing laws.
Like most, if not all, health-care professions, entry-level examination is a necessary component and final indicator of a practitioner’s knowledge and qualification.
Government relations work depends on a few factors, but specifically evidence, persuasion, and grassroots participation. It’s increasingly evident that your voice—the massage therapist’s voice—and grassroots advocacy, is what gets it done.
Government works best when it’s closest to the people. To me, that means I’m here to support and empower you by gathering and digesting regulations, laws, and any proposed changes to them.